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The ‘3-Steps and Yep’ Selling Process 

Swipe this easy-to-implement selling process to confidently and ethically win more business

(No more sweaty palms before sales calls)


Step 1 – Conducting the Discovery Call

Invite your potential client to a complimentary 60-minute with four phases:

Phase I – Pre-Call Homework –  The 3 places to stalk your potential new customer and how to use what you’ve found to improve your chances of winning the business. (This preparation process will also make you feel 1000% more comfortable on the sales call.

Phase II – The Upfront Contract – In the first 2 minutes of the Discovery Call you will use the Upfront Contract to put a pin in the “gawd this is awkward” vibe. Everyone will relax, you will feel confident, and you’ll be much more likely to win the business. It’s easy, just follow our script.

Phase III – 5 Magic Questions – You shouldn’t be doing much talking on the Discovery Call. Sit back, listen, and take notes as you ask your prospect these 5 questions that will lead to the perfect proposal.

Phase IV – Confirm Next Steps – Don’t end The Discovery Call without having two dates on your calendar or this prospect might 👻  you. Simply follow Discovery Call Sales Script to ensure you and your prospect have agreed on next steps.

🧰 Resources

The Discovery Call Sales Script – This script will guide you through the Discovery Call so you don’t have to stress about what’s next and you’ll be sure you’re on the right track to winning the business.



Step 2 – Crafting the Perfect Proposal

Some proposals have too much information, others don’t have enough. This 3-part proposal template is perfect:

Part 1 – The Scope – Get this right and your life will be easier. Get it wrong and you run the risk of having what you will eventually refer to as the client from H-E-double-hockey-sticks. Kidding… not kidding. 

Part 2 – The Plan – Craft the plan the way we teach you and watch your prospect scream “Where do I sign!?” This part of the proposal will separate you from the other chuckleheads this prospective customer is talking to. You will feel like such a pro when you present this proposal.

Part 3 – The Terms – Use the template to clearly communicate pricing, deliverables, and timeline so you’ll know how and when you’ll be paid for your hard work. 

🧰 Resources

The Perfect Marketing Proposal Template – This script will guide you through the Discovery Call so you don’t have to stress about what’s next.



Step 3 – The Proposal Review Call

This is where the sale is made. 

Phase I – The Upfront Contract – Yep, you’ll do it again on this call. Just read the script and feel the tension evaporate instantly. This part of the script is designed to communicate that you and your potential client are on the same team. 🙌

Phase II – The Trial Close – Use this simple 10-word question to determine whether your prospective client is ready to sign on the dotted line and cut you a check.

Phase III – Overcoming Objections – The 6 most common reasons your prospect is saying “no” or “maybe” and the scripts you’ll use to save the deal. 

🧰 Resources

The Proposal Review Call Sales Script – This script will guide you through the Proposal Review Call so you don’t have to stress about what’s next and you’ll be guaranteed to be in the best position to win the business. 

This live event is free of charge and a recording will be sent to all registrants ~24 hours after the training.

Meet your instructor

I’m Russ. Thanks for your interest in this training.

You might know me because you’re in theCLIKK. 

I’m a marketing consultant and freelance marketer with nearly 20 years doing marketing and over 10 years teaching it. 

I love this marketing stuff and I get a lot of fulfillment out of teaching it.

I’ve trained 1000’s of marketers through my consulting work, digital trainings (like this one!), and my book Digital Marketing for Dummies.  

I was going to brag about myself but these people did it for me…

Helped me earn well over 6 figures a year…

– Josh Arras, Director of Marketing at NPE Fitness

I’ve used his systems to train my clients and staff. 

– Sonya Keenan, CEO of Omnichannel Media Group

If you have a chance to work with Russ, I highly recommend it.

– Kevin Kramer, Marketing Director at Evolve Artist